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Battle of the Writers

Battle of the Writers

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You Xi Da Zuo Zhan, Rak Tai Banthat, Game Rak Tai Banthat, 游戏大作战, รักใต้บรรทัด, เกมรัก...ใต้บรรทัด
Status: Ongoing Released: Jul 29, 2024 - ? Duration: 49 min. Country: Type: Drama Episodes: 12 Director: Casts: , , , , , Posted by: admin Released on: Updated on:
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Synopsis Battle of the Writers

Author Ob-un is accused of plagiarizing another writer named Chan. However, the former denies the accusations, which leads to the pair’s unexpected encounter. Shortly after, Ob-un and Chan come across each other again as they join a team of writers from multiple genres to work on a new novel.

(Source: winmyheart at MyDramaList)

~~ Adapted from the web novel “The Great Battle of Games” (游戏大作战) by Ping Guo Shu Shu Shu (苹果树树树).

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